A high-stakes tale of international crime and intrigue, Uncertain Origin is the debut novel to feature electronic evidence specialist Jeremy Cole.
According to the FBI, the counterfeiting of prescription drugs accounts for an estimated $600 billion in global trade, and may be the “crime of the 21st century”.
Electronic evidence specialist, Jeremy Cole is working on a new project for a small law firm. Jeremy’s company Global ESI, has a reputation for fast turnaround and cut rate pricing. Civil litigation wasn’t exciting, nothing like people see on CSI. But the steady stream of employment disputes and the occasional high profile divorce case kept the lights on during the last recession.
When a routine collection of documents and email goes awry, Jeremy discovers a web of international crime and deceit. His search for answers takes him from a corrupt medical wholesaler in Minneapolis to the free trade zone of Malaysia. A place where criminal syndicates move billions of dollars’ worth of counterfeit pharmaceuticals around the globe.
It’s up to Jeremy, to uncover this shadow world before any more seniors fall victim to the deadly concoction. And someone else is determined he won’t live to find out.
A spell binding account of a very real threat that touches everyone who fills a prescription.
Uncertain Origin is the debut novel featuring electronic evidence specialist Jeremy Cole and Dr. Nora Galloway.